The SmartVueTM process controller is a key component for any well pump or fracking control, generator control, or other industrial process control applications that require data acquisition, display, and control capabilities in a small, rugged package. SmartVueTM now comes standard with hazardous location certification (Class I Division 2) and it also provides all data required to monitor compliance to the US EPA rule for reciprocating internal combustion engines national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (RICE NESHAP).
As a digital/graphical panel meter, SmartVueTM accepts a wide variety of inputs, and scales and displays the results in different formats. SmartVueTM is also an industrial process controller, and can take a specific input type and convert it to a scaled output type to provide signal conversion. Application examples include the ability to output a 1-5 volt signal based on a scaled 4-20 mA input signal, or to control any analog or digital output based on a J1939 CANBUS input.